Into the Zombie World

Chapter 2 - The Strange Zombie!

The room was messy, with empty noodle cups, empty cans of sardines, gallons of empty water bottles, and other random empty stuff lying around.

Walking to the small kitchen, he looks around for a second before picking up the butcher knife as well as the normal kitchen knife that was lying just beside the sink. 

He weighed them both and compared which one was heavier and which one suited him best in his current condition. After a while, he finally settled on the small kitchen knife on his right hand. He felt that the butcher knife was sharper, but with his current strength, he could even barely lift it.

Even though the kitchen knife is small, it somehow managed to ease a few of his worries as the false protection of something sharp somehow made him more confident. He not only needs some sort of protection but also a motivation. The small kitchen knife on his hand somehow fulfilled those conditions that he lacked. 

He then went and picked up two empty cans of sardines before walking towards the door. He walked as silently as possible as he checked if the door was locked or not. After confirming that it was not, he slowly twisted the doorknob before pulling it slightly. An inch gap could then be seen emerging between the door and the wall. 

Nile smiled and nodded his head in approval after seeing that gap appear. He then left it as it was as he went towards the window situated right beside the door.

He slowly opened the window to avoid making any noise as he observed the zombies limply walking outside the house. After confirming that nothing had changed except for the location of the zombies, he finally heaved a sigh of relief.

He felt optimistic about his plan. He felt that at least, it was better than doing nothing other than rotting inside the house just like what a certain someone did. 

He then examined the situation outside again before taking note of the shortest path he should take to reach the store, which was three houses away. The moment he memorized the path, his confidence about the plan also rose by another margin.

Now, the only obstacle left was the six zombies walking limply outside. He didn\'t know of their actual behavior and he didn\'t know if those zombies would suddenly speed up and pounce on him. Who knows if they are just faking their limp limp walk-Jutsu. 

With this issue in mind, he wanted to try and experiment first before risking his life needlessly. 

Nile\'s right hand was his dominant hand. 

He transferred the small kitchen knife in his right hand into his left hand before picking up two empty cans of sardines, holding them tightly in his right hand at the end.

The grocery store was located on the east side of the door, three houses away. 

As the road to the grocery store was slightly curved, its opened door was in Nile\'s full view. The allure of the opened door as well as the contents inside the grocery store made his mouth \'water\' in excitement. 

Glancing at the six zombies, he realized that three of them are right outside his house, while the other two are in the middle of the path towards the grocery store, and the last one was right in front of the grocery store. 

All of them are walking unpredictably, sometimes in a circle, and sometimes in a straight line. Luckily all of them are walking limply. Nile could only hope that they would stay like that and that they aren\'t intelligent enough to trick him and his sorry ass.

With the empty can in his dominant hand, and with his little strength, Nile throws the can towards the west side of the road, right outside the window. It only flew for a pathetic three meters due to his meager strength.

Ting! Ting! Ting!

The empty can bounce three times on the ground before it comes to a stop. The empty can was now approximately two meters away from the closest zombie at the front of his house.

Upon picking up the sounds, the five zombies whipped their heads towards the empty can, like bees getting attracted to honey.

Without delay, they started walking while growling towards the empty can. The only exception was the zombie that was right outside the grocery store. It only stared at that specific area for a while before dozing off again. 

\'Maybe it was not able to hear the sound because of the distance?\' Nile thought.

However, Nile still heaved two sighs of relief as he saw the zombies still walking limply towards the empty can.

The first sigh of relief came from the fact that the zombies are really not faking it, and they are really walking limply. While the second sigh of relief that he released came from the fact that his plan would really work. The reason for him being sure of that was simple, it was because the zombies reacted to the \'bait\' that he threw.

However, he still did not dare to take the risk and have a race with the zombies. After all, although they are only walking in a limp manner, their energy that rivaled that of children defeated him who had an energy that resembled that of a dying old man.

He waited patiently for a few minutes and after noticing that the five zombies were now close enough to the can, Nile finally decided to act without further ado. 

He \'ran\' as fast as he could towards the door and opened it swiftly without delay. His movements were slow like a snail but precise like a robot. Every step and turn was calculated as he did his best trying to reach the grocery store.

However, the zombies that were going for the can suddenly noticed him, and without pretense, they growled like a dog before \'running\' limply towards him as they changed their target from \'can\' to \'human\'.

Although he was also running slowly, Nile was already halfway through to his destination.

This is largely attributed to the fact that Nile was only following the predetermined path that he previously planned. 

However, lady luck would not always shine on him. 

Soon, the last zombie that was right outside the grocery store noticed him approaching. It growled for a second before it started walking limply towards him(or in his direction) .

Nile notices that this zombie was different from the others as it was walking in a strange manner aside from being limp. 

As it walks, its height keeps on alternating between 5\'6" and 5\'5". 

With slight observation, Nile noticed that this zombie\'s right foot was dislocated hence causing its weird state.

Nile suddenly stopped and took a glance behind his back. 

The five zombies were only ten meters away from him. Looking in front, the strange zombie was also about ten meters away from him. However, he realized that this zombie was faster than the zombie group at the back. 

He did not waste any more time as he hurriedly threw the remaining can in his right hand as far as he could across the road. And as expected, the can only managed to fly 3-4 meters away before dropping to the ground like a nuke.

The strange zombie and the five zombies heard the empty can falling to the ground. They then switched their target from \' human\' to \'can\' again realizing that the original noise in front of them was already gone and instead, it was replaced by a distinct \'ting! ting!\' sound that could be heard from somewhere else.

Nile did not waste the opportunity as he madly rushed towards the store.

He could feel himself running like the flash towards the store, he felt that he was getting faster and faster in every second that passed by. 

However, the truth was actually far from what he felt.

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