Harem In The Intergalactic Apocalypse

Chapter 197 Mox And Cecil

"Names don\'t matter. What does is getting out of here alive. I was sent as a recon, and I would like to leave this forsaken world!" The Gideon snapped, and I shrugged.

"What do you want me to do about it? I am stuck down here with you. Why were you in there with the door closed? Is the human alright?" I asked, and the creature nodded.

"Cecil is fine. She is the only one that might be able to get us out of here. Since you have a more human form, Annokale, you might be able to convince her to let you in. If we can disable the Silence, then we can be released from its shackles!" the creature declared dramatically, and I nodded.

"So this Silence thing is what is causing nothing to work? What can\'t you do? You look pretty tough," I said, and the creature gave me a strange look.

"Who are you? How do you know about my Belial?! I can smell the Systeminuin on you, but it is stronger than normal!" The creature said as it advanced on me. "You smell like a certain Annokale, Omega!"

"Woah, Woah, Deformed Debby, I am not Omega. He was holding something for me and brought it. Now I am holding Tiamat\'s heart. My name is Daniel Brighton," I said, and the creature stopped, narrowing its yellow eyes on me. "Now you do feel that I am worth a name?"

"Mox, Recon division for the Supreme Leader, Alpha. Praise be in his name."

"Okay, Mox, get out of my way so I can go see this person," I said, and the demon bared sharp teeth at me.

"Remember, silver tongue. I can tear into you with these teeth like you were made of flesh," Mox warned, and I nodded as my vines turned into blades.

"And I can turn you into a meat platter if you don\'t stop trying to tell me how small your penis is!" I growled, and Mox stepped aside, but I pointed my fingers at my eyes, and then at him, and back and forth. "Watching you! I have eyes in the back of my head!"

Just to prove a point, I grew a pair in the back of my head, but there was hair in the way, and the whole thing turned into a process. I gave up and marched off as Mox chuckled to himself.

Something about how he was so free with giving information like I was irked me for some reason. Mox was a Gideon and my enemy by all rights, but he just told me whatever I asked. I would have thought that people that essentially worked for a space demon nazi would be a bit more tight-lipped about that kind of information.

The room I walked into was a mess, and it looked like this was once a monitoring room, but all the computer stations were smashed now. I looked around, but I didn\'t see any bodies, and I tried not to think about what had happened to them. I wasn\'t really sure what space demons ate, and I didn\'t want to think about it.

There was a light coming from up ahead, being fluorescent, and seemed to be from glow sticks, but it was behind a glass barrier. On the other side, I could see something floating in the center of the room.

I tried to use my scan on it, but nothing happened. I tried to summon other features, but nothing. My roots were still working fine, but all my intranet screens and menus were gone.

I moved closer and cupped my hands around my eyes to try to get a better look since my eyes were having some trouble seeing in the dim light.

"Who are you?! Are you human?! Your eyes are super blue! You must be an alien! Darn! You got my hopes up!" An ecstatic woman fired off in what seemed like a single breath, making me jump back.

"This human is stranger than most of them," Mox said from the entrance of the room. "She is incredibly smart and very deceitful."

"I take offense to that, Pee Colored Man! New alien! Where, do, you, come, from?" The woman asked, saying that last part one word at a time, making me slap a hand to my face.


"That\'s boring! You could have said mars or something to entertain me! Really, Canada? What brings you down to this creepy place at the end of the world? The world is still ending, right?"

"No, I stopped that."

"You what?! You stopped the end of the world?! Then why are all the lights still off?"

"Still working on that part. Are you Cecil?"

"Depends who\'s asking; I mean, you are asking, but I mean, who are you, really? Am I just supposed to trust some random stranger that I met in a dark alley? This is said dark alley," Cecil said, waving her fingers in a circle to encompass the room.

How did one person fit many words into one breath?

"Listen, Cecil. My name is Daniel Brighton, and I am here to rescue you."

"Really? Awfully nice of you. Do you mind locking up everything? I don\'t really want to leave this place until that is done. You know there are some pretty scary things out there, and none of them should ever see the light of day!"

"Yes, I am quite aware of that, and that is why I am here to get your help," I said, and Cecil gave me a stupid look.

"Yeah, \'cause I just came in here to have my lunch break. Just give me ten more minutes, boss, I just sat down, and then I will tell you how we do things! Damn it! You are supposed to know how to save me! You think that I live here?! I do live in my office, but that is a completely different point, and I get caught sleeping on the monitor stations. Anyways, the point is, I don\'t know what you want me to say," Cecil said, and I groaned.

How could one person say so much yet so little at the same time?

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