Harem In The Intergalactic Apocalypse

Chapter 249 Lemonade, The Gore Beast

"HOLY FUCK, LEMONADE STOP MUNCHING ON MY LEG!" Gobbles screamed as he was thrown across the doorway.

"He thought you were a drumstick!" Mox roared. "Get the hell out of the way so I can kill the damn thing!

I quickly ran out of the room to see what was going on, and I saw that Mox and Gobbles were covered in blood and the massive creature was licking his lips. It was like something from a sci-fi horror film that would give you nightmares for weeks. It had red eyes, sharp teeth, and drooling blood all over the floor.

"No, you can\'t kill it! What the fuck is that thing?!" I shouted.

"Lemonade!" Gobbles squealed as he picked himself back up off the ground. "It came out, and after us the moment you disappeared!"

Mox and Gobbles both had deep gashes on their arms from where Lemonade had bitten them, but they both seemed angrier than anything else. Even still, I could tell that this was not going to end well. Blood was already starting to drip onto the ground, forming a small puddle beneath them, and Lemonade looked like he was ready for round two.

I sent vines over to the white raccoon and the yellowish-gray Gideon, and they splashed into them, healing them completely as I extended a hand to the... Lemonade. Roots burst from my palm and up from the metal floor. I could now take over everything metal in a 50-foot area around me without even sinking my body into it. The massive red behemoth was forced to the ground, but it made no sound, but it glared at me with four eyes that I could see better now that it wasn\'t moving.

"What are you?" I asked, studying its form. It was definitely not human, that was for sure. It looked like some kind of cross between a demon and a lizard.

"I am Lemonade," the creature replied in a booming voice that made the metal walls shake. "And you are trespassing on my territory."

"Holy shit, Batman! You can actually talk?" I asked, and Lemonade\'s eyes narrowed.

"For one so strong, you are not very wise, Blue Eyes," Lemonade rumbled, and I grinned.

"I get that far more than I like," I laughed as I started to scan over the beast. "Instead of me asking you dumb questions, I will just scan you and learn about you," I said, and then looked back at the boys. "Are you two okay?" I asked, and they both nodded.

"What are you doing to him?" Gobbles asked, and I shrugged.

"System things. Pretty much the same as I did to you two, so I can make sure it won\'t hurt anyone," I said as I turned my attention back to Lemonade, who was slowly getting back up. I let the roots retract as I changed his body. "Now, let\'s see what we have here," I muttered as data started filling my vision.

[Scanned Target: Gore Beast]

[Target Description: A large, quadruped creature with red scales and four eyes. It is proficient in melee combat and has enhanced strength and durability. Its saliva is poisonous to most creatures.]

"Hmmm, interesting," I said as I stepped back from Lemonade. "It seems like you are some kind of powerful creature, but I don\'t sense any malicious intent from you. So why were you attacking us?" I asked, and Lemonade tilted his head to the side.

"I was merely defending my territory," Lemonade replied. "You intruded on my home and, thus, paid the price."

"Fair enough," I said with a nod. "But if you help us, I will give you a place where the sun will touch your skin, and you will have much more space."

"I have never felt the sun. I was raised in this place and was given the name, Lemonade as a joke, but it has been my name for thirty years," Lemonade said, and I frowned.

"That\'s not a very long time," I said, and Lemonade shook his head.

"I was born here," Lemonade said, and I gaped at him.

"You were born in this place?" I asked, and Lemonade nodded. "But that means you have never seen the sun or been outside."

"No, I have not," Lemonade said, and I felt a twinge of pity for the creature. "But if you can give me what you promise, then I will help you."

"Deal," I said. "Now, let\'s get out of here before something else happens."

I had the most important piece now, and many more of them for Sofia and the rest of the crew at the R&D Great Tree to start working on them to make them safer. The cubes that we had were humanity\'s only hope of survival for what was about to come, but it wasn\'t because I was worried about what the aliens were going to do. It was because I didn\'t think that I was going to be able to hold myself back when I faced the space dragon sisters. This was the best way to keep everyone safe.

"Lily? How are things going with you?" I asked as we started walking to the final important room.

"Pretty much ready for when you come back up here. I need your help to load it in, and I will guide you as you place the Power Focus in the fusion chamber. You are going to have to get in there and close the door, though," Lily explained, and I nodded to myself before turning back to Mox, Gobbles, and Lemonade.

"I am going to split, and you will go with my clone to go get the containment chamber for the Shalgoth. I will be with you, but I need to get up top and deal with this," I explained, but I was already gone, and they nodded to my clone.

I sent them off, and I headed up top to where the generator was, and Lily was waiting.

"Wow! You really can get around fast!" Lily said with excitement as she came over and gave me a hug, and I grinned, returning the hug before patting her head, and making her jump away. This girl was a hugger, but unlike most of the women that I seemed to meet, that was all that she seemed to want. Just a hug and I was more than happy to oblige since it seemed like she really needed it.

"Yeah, I have my ways," I said as we turned our attention to the machine. "So, how does this work?"

"Well, the Power Focus is ready to go as far as I can tell. The generator is more of a containment chamber for the Power Focus\'s immense power, and the fusion chamber is where that power will be released in order to create an explosion. But we need to make sure that everything is lined up perfectly, or else the explosion will be too big and could level this entire planet," Lily explained, and I nodded as I headed into the fusion chamber with her.

"How much power are we talking about here?" I asked as I looked around the chamber. It was a large room with thick metal walls, and in the center of the room was a small platform that Lily directed me to.

"The Power Focus contains enough energy to level a small planet," Lily said, and I whistled. "But we only need a fraction of that power."

"How much is a fraction?" I asked as I stepped onto the platform, and Lily typed something into a computer before answering.

"We only need about .1% of its total power," Lily said, and my eyes widened.

"So, the total power of the Power Focus is one hundred times that of a small planet?" I asked for clarification, and Lily nodded.

"Yeah, pretty much," Lily said, and I whistled again. "Are you sure you\'re ready for this? It\'s going to be really loud."

"I think so," I said as I stepped off the platform and grabbed the Power Focus gently before heading towards the open the door to the Generator. "I\'ll see you on the other side."

"Just remember that you need to wait until it is fully active before you can let go. I know that you are strong, but this is a lot of energy, even at only .1% of its total power. Just be careful," Lily explained as I walked to the door and then closed it behind me.

There was no point in talking about this thing to death, and I had to make sure that this was going sooner than later. I had gotten everything I needed from this place, but now all that was left locking the Shalgoth up. Coming here this time, I hadn\'t been sure about what was going to happen, but I was just glad that everything worked out.

"Now for my final trick in this shit hole!" I laughed as I raised the Power Focus up to the slot in the center of the room and paused briefly. "Here is hoping that I don\'t fuck it all up!"

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