Peerless Genius System

Chapter 351 - Well Said

Chapter 351: Well Said

“Calm down; it’s just something on your shoulder.”

The woman in black raised her delicate eyebrows and pursed her lips, reacting to Gu Zhanguo’s tone of voice.

Gu Zhanguo had a quick look at his shoulder, and there was indeed a small piece of fluff sticking on to his garment. He coughed and brushed it off quickly, then issued a stern reminder to Lady Poison: “Fu Yiren, you are an avatar of poison, so, please do not touch anyone while you’re here. You have already accidentally harmed more than a hundred of our NSA members, and I don’t wish to become one of them.”

“I will take note of it, Mr. Gu!” Fu Yiren replied, but her mischievous eyes betrayed her lack of earnest concern for their safety. She just smiled wryly and stuck her tongue out playfully.

“So, have you completed your mission?” Dongfang Shouyu chimed in.

Fu Yiren tossed her head, smiling as she said, “Yes, Mr. Dongfang. This mission is not challenging at all. Those spies are all wimps and had fallen even before I even needed to do anything. I used some Corpse Powder on them, and I’m glad to report that they’ve now been converted to useful nourishment for the flowers and plants on the hill. Next time, please remember to assign me to more challenging missions. I get so bored with these menial assignments.”

She reported on her mission in such a light-hearted manner, making it seem like the killings were nothing more than a daily chore. However, for the NSA staff members present, now hiding a safe distance away, hearing this made their faces turn pale, and a chill ran down their spines. They had all witnessed the power of the Corpse Powder with their very own eyes. It was even more potent than concentrated sulphuric acid, but mysteriously, it only acted on the flesh, turning it into a slurry, while the corpse’s clothes and worn watch remain untouched.

When applied, white smoke would arise accompanied by a putrefying stench, and the effect to the flesh was too appalling to describe.

Gu Zhanguo and Dongfang Shouyu glanced at each other and smiled nervously. Those spies that Lady Poison had dispatched were elite fighters trained by an enemy state, each a well-honed killing machine the equivalent of a Grade-A soldier and experts in jungle warfare. The directors certainly did not believe it when Fu Yiren mentioned that those spies were all low-level operatives. Instead, what flashed through their minds was Fu Yiren as the grim reaper, gleefully harvesting the lives of those soldiers.

“Hullo... what is that fool, King Kong, up to?”

Looking out the window, Fu Yiren noticed that King Kong was at the ground below. She cast her gaze on Gu Zhanguo with a hint of doubt in her seductive eyes that beckoned for an immediate answer.

Gu Zhanguo regularly shared information with both King Kong and Fu Yiren, so he quickly pointed at the lean figure walking towards Ren Maohua on the ground below. “That stranger is the one I’ve been telling you about.”

“Oh, he must be ‘Mie’ then. The man behind the carnage at Long Sankui’s lair in Jiangcheng City?”

Fu Yir placed the tip of her slender finger to her lips as her curiosity piqued and commented, “He looks weak, are you sure he is the one?”

“Ren Maohua, a Grade-A soldier, was taken down with a single kick by this man. How could we possibly be mistaken?” Dongfang Shouyu said. He was somewhat annoyed that this question kept coming up. Earlier in the day, a group of IT staff questioned Xiao Luo’s identity, and now, Fu Yiren was doing it again.

“Is that so?”

Fu Yiren responded as she continued to observe Xiao Luo below.



As Xiao Luo continued to step ominously toward Ren Maohua, Ji Siying was panic-stricken with no idea what to do. She knew that he had been provoked to the breaking point and feared that he was about to unleash his unbridled wrath on Ren Maohua.

Ren Maohua was in severe pain, especially in his neck, where he was kicked, and his body was in spasms feeling like his spine had been broken.

As Ren Maohua lay convulsing on the ground, he sensed a shadow cast over him. When he looked up, he stared into Xiao Luo’s vicious cold eyes; he looked like a judge who was about to pass sentence.

“I’ll now give you a choice—you can kowtow and apologize to me, or I shall make you regret what you have done!”

Those were the same words that Ren Maohua had uttered to Xiao Luo earlier, and Xiao Luo had now been repeated them in return. Ren Maohua stared at Xiao Luo and gritted his teeth with indignation. How could he accept such a demand when the object of his affections, Ji Siying, was standing right there watching him? Even if she were not, he could never bring himself to accepting such humiliation, he held his reputation as a Grade-A soldier in high regard and would rather die than be subjected to this insult.

He yelled at Xiao Luo, “Y-you want to make me regret what I’ve done? Hah, I would rather die than disgrace my...”

Ren Maohua’s voice trailed off abruptly... because Xiao Luo had placed his foot on the side of his head, pushing it against the hard ground.

Xiao Luo’s actions cause deep consternation among the NSA fighters who had gathered around, for no one expected that Xiao Luo to act in such a cruel and ruthless way.

With his head caught between Xiao Luo’s foot and the hard ground, Ren Maohua lost all sense of pain, his mind was numb, and all he felt was the depth of humiliation to which his honor and dignity as a Grade-A soldier were subjected.

“Mr. Xiao... Mr. Mie, don’t...”

Ji Siying tried to intervene, but when she looked into Xiao Luo’s eyes, she froze and was lost for words.

Xiao Luo stared down at Ren Maohua, who was now struggling to hold his dignity under Xiao Luo’s foot. “This is your last chance, are you sure you are going to turn it down?!”

“Scr*w you!”

Ren Maohua’s eyes were red and teary as he gritted his teeth and squirmed around trying to break free, but struggle as he might, he was unable to get Xiao Luo’s foot off. Xiao Luo’s foot was like a colossal mountain, pressing heavily onto his head.

Ren Maohua was alternating between frantic howls and snivels and looked a pathetic sight. In his heart, he only wished he could tear Xiao Luo apart.

Xiao Luo shook his head and snarled, “I made it very clear to you earlier, your intention to chase after women is none of my business. But, why did you have to step on me to elevate your own ego? I warned you to stop again and again... but you didn’t listen, and you took my courtesy for granted. Do you think that as a Grade-A soldier, you are invincible? Don’t you understand that beyond each mountain, there are greater ones? You deserve to be punished this way, and you only have yourself to blame for it!”

Clap! Clap! Clap!

The crowd moved aside as a well-built man walked toward both the victor and the vanquished, clapping his hands in a deliberate fashion. He had short hair, eyes that brimmed with self-confidence, and he emanated the unmistakable aura of a man who feared nothing.

Upon seeing this man, there were suppressed gasps then a dead silence among the NSA soldiers. Everyone unconsciously took several steps back to make way for this man. Even Ren Maohua was startled, and he seemed to have forgotten about his pain and predicament for the briefest moment.

“King Kong?!”

Ji Siying was taken by surprise, and she wondered if King Kong’s arrival was a good or bad thing, or was it perhaps a directive from above for King Kong to mediate matters?

King Kong glanced at Xiao Luo with a look of appreciation in his eyes, before he finally stopped clapping and said, “I absolutely agree with you, very well said. Heartfelt words, and they speak the absolute truth...” Then, he bent forward and glared at Ren Maohua with disdain. “Tsk, tsk, tsk... Ren Maohua, do you feel invincible just because you’ve become a Grade-A soldier? Got slapped right in the face, didn’t you? Well, you asked for it, and you need to be taught a lesson so that you learn to humble yourself!”


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