Marvel's Superman

Chapter 195 - 192 | Iron Mans Father, Real Technology.

Chapter 195 - 192 Iron Man\'s Father, Real Technology.

"Power armor?"

Howard frowned slightly, not understanding the meaning. ??

At this time, the science fiction master Robert Heinlein\'s \'Starship Troopers\' wasn\'t yet published, and powered armor was a relatively unknown concept.

The best-selling, Hugo Award-winning science fiction book about the war was later adapted into the classic movie \'Starship Troopers, in which soldiers wore military gear similar to a powered exoskeleton.

Many games, films, and television works of later generations had adopted this concept and carried it forward.

"Is similar to my Superman suit."

Luke explained in simple terms.

He had always been interested in making Howard Stark the first Iron Man.

Why did he have to wait for a few decades to let Tony face journalists and say the classic line \'I am Iron Man\'?

In terms of brains, Howard was no worse than his son.

Anyway, the timeline had been messed up, and even the Ancient One had a headache.

Then ignore the original story. The advantage of foresight was no longer important to Luke.

He had long since completed the original build-up and entered the development stage of explosive growth.

"Superman suit? I\'ve always wondered how Hydra\'s people worked out that thing! It needs nano-molecular technology, which is impossible to realize right now."

A look of incomprehension emerged in Howard\'s eyes.

"Before the major innovations in microscope technology, we knew very little about the world of atoms and molecules. And your … cool battle suit … belongs to the mature application of nanotechnology - to be honest, I do not believe that the scientists of Hydra mastered the cutting-edge technology to control single atoms, molecules and explore the microscopic world."

Luke picked his eyebrows. Trying to fool a genius wasn\'t easy.

Their heads were always full of all kinds of strange questions, and it was easy to find those unreasonable points.

"It\'s not important."

Luke cleared his throat and said, "There are many unknown things in the world, just like the Tesseract. Does it matter to you that it\'s a product of this era?"

Howard was speechless. After a moment of contemplation, he seemed to feel that it made sense and put away his suspicious eyes.

"So, you\'re saying that I should make a similar suit and use the reactor as the core energy source?"

As Iron Man\'s father, Howard quickly understood Luke\'s idea and began to consider the feasibility.

"Let me think about it. That\'s a very high-tech suit you\'ve got there. It\'s soft, tough and malleable, and has strong applicability. The nano-molecular technology allows the surface to be freely assembled and modified."

"You have resisted a tank\'s main gun and ended up unharmed. The suit was not damaged in any way, which proves that it absorbs intense heat, energy, and, for further consideration, probably radiation."

"If I were to design it, I would definitely arrange atoms and molecules in a specific way, make something similar to artificial muscle fibers, and then program the coding, which could be developed for a variety of uses."

"For example, surface hardening, like an upgraded version of body armor. It can resist machine guns and artillery."

"And absorbs the refracted light from the surrounding area, completing the double "invisibility" of the naked eye and the instruments."

As an arms dealer, Howard was a natural at brainstorming, speaking of technical research and specific applications.

"By the way, I remember the generals at the Pentagon, who wanted you to hand in your battle suit and study the technology. Why did they stop talking afterward?"

He paused and looked at Luke, who listened carefully.

To be honest, Howard was also very interested in Superman\'s battle suit.

But considering that Luke may not agree and that it felt strange to study people\'s intimate garments, he then gave up on the idea.

"Hmm, that\'s right."

Luke nodded his head.

"Colonel Philips tested my reaction and said that the Pentagon and the White House were ready to have a questioning session."

"Later, Namor appeared from Atlantis and damaged two aircraft carriers of the Atlantic Fleet. After I pushed them back, no one ever mentioned it."

"I\'m very talkative. I don\'t mind working with the Pentagon and the White House to hold a question and answer session."

Howard rolled his eyes, automatically ignoring the implausible answer, and returned to the dining room on the first floor in his robe.

Jarvis, the butler, wasn\'t here today. He was usually only responsible for the care of Howard\'s New York Mansion and only came here occasionally.

It was said that the competent butler, who was in his thirties, was quite an English gentleman.

He served in the British Air Force and was the champion boxer for three consecutive years after his discharge.

His skills were extraordinary, but also very good at his job.

Howard\'s best friend and reliable helper,

Thinking of Alfred, the butler in the studio next door had the amazing record of beating Superman.

Every time Luke greeted Jarvis, he would subconsciously be politer.

After all, in the superhero world …

If you could do a good job as a butler, you must have some hidden skills.

"You have a very interesting proposal, but the actual implementation is a bit of a problem."

Howard said while eating a sandwich with his cheeks bulging, "Let\'s put the energy system aside for the time being."

"The first thing we have to deal with is the materials. Ordinary alloy steel is not enough.

For the protection of one\'s own body, as well the defense against heavy weapons and shock absorption- these all need to be considered."

"Secondly, I don\'t have inhuman power like you. To improve the power of the power armor, I need to carry all kinds of weapons, such as machine guns, micro-missiles, propellers, and so on."

"I\'ve just thought about it. If I were to make the actual thing, it would be a small giant, 3 or 4 meters high, which may be very bulky to operate and could only be used as a kind of mobile fortress to attract firepower."

"I don\'t think it\'s very useful -- I\'d prefer it to be closer to a normal human form, preferably eye-catching. Being strong isn\'t a trivial matter, but looking cool is important!"

Howard swallowed his last sandwich bite and took a sip of his hot milk.

Hearing Luke\'s suggestion, he was excited.

But as a scientist pursuing truth and pragmatism, Howard thought carefully and found that the feasibility wasn\'t high.

On the one hand, he was limited by the times. On the other hand, it involved many technical problems.

Nothing could be achieved unless a great deal of energy and time was put into it.

"As Lenin said, \'there will be bread, and there will be milk.\' As long as there\'s a will, there\'s a way. Atlantis could solve technical problems. As for … materials, I can send you a surprise gift package when the time comes."

Luke had a mysterious look on his face, somehow resembling the old man with the white beard who stuffs presents into stockings at Christmas.

"But that\'s for later. Now get your ass in the shower, fix your mustache and messy hair, and get to Washington, DC. Today is my award ceremony."

Hearing Luke\'s orders, Howard subconsciously smelled his pajamas and found an unpleasant odor of stale food. He obeyed the instructions rather obediently.

"Gee, the youngest Lieutenant General in the history of the United States, what an enviable guy!"

Before leaving, he took a sip of the lemon slice from his fruit plate and spoke sourly.

White House, South Lawn.

Not long ago, the President added a balcony to the south colonnade, and in the process, conducted a thorough inspection of the country\'s highest-ranking official residence.

As a result, it was found that the problem was too serious and there were many safety hazards, so it was decided to start a major renovation.

Now, the president\'s family had moved across Pennsylvania Avenue to Blair House.

The press conference was held today to honor Major General Cavill and was scheduled to be held here.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to see the President and Cabinet members gathered in the White House.

"Major … oh no, should call you Lieutenant-General."

The President, who hadn\'t given his speech on stage yet, faced the reporters and affectionately shook Luke\'s right hand.

It seemed that he hadn\'t given up on the idea of introducing his daughter to the other party.

"I just did my duty and carried out what I should have done to keep the world peaceful; It\'s nothing big."

Luke, as always, spoke pretty words that even he didn\'t believe.

He met the President\'s daughter, although the other party showed great enthusiasm and initiative.

However, Luke\'s interest was lacking, and he couldn\'t muster the motivation.

The last time they met, he merely showed his attitude by returning a polite smile and maintaining basic manners.

"It\'s time to think about starting a family, General."

The President was still reluctant to give up and actively said, "I talked to your uncle, Frank. He would love to see you get married and have children and live a happy, quiet life."

Luke curled his lips. \'Playing the relationship card?\'

He didn\'t want to enter that marriage grave so early. It would only trip him up.

How could he give up the ambitious goal of seeing the sea of stars? Playing house would only delay him!

"With all due respect, Mr. President, I\'m not as good as the papers and the journalists make me out to be."

Luke showed a serious expression and continued, "If you know anything about it, you should know about my private life …"

"That\'s not a problem!"

The President acted as if he was a generous person, saying that he had been there and understood everything.

"It\'s normal to like a beautiful girl. Look at Kennedy Jr., he plays with such reckless abandon, but that doesn\'t stop him from being a promising young man."

"I have heard a bit about the General\'s private life. Apart from that Sicilian woman, there is also Ms. Carter from S.H.I.E.L.D., right?"

"You see, only two. This has nothing to do with being sexually active; it can be said to be clean and disciplined, a model among young people."

Luke\'s mouth was slightly open, somewhat unresponsive.

The trend in the upper class has been opening up to this extent?

Having two lovers still didn\'t earn him the title of a \'playboy\'?

He was about to be promoted to Lieutenant General but inexplicably felt belittled.

"It isn\'t easy for a young man in a high position like you to keep his heart and restrain his desire."

The President loosened his hand, tidied up his suit, and prepared to give a speech on stage.

"After the honoring ceremony, I\'m going to have a family dinner. Mr. Lieutenant General, you must come over. After our last meeting, my daughter Mary admired you and chanted your name every day."

Luke was once again shocked to learn that there was such a thing as a father who would forcefully \'sell\' his daughter.

If he could do it, the President couldn\'t wait to force him to comply.

Luke, who felt a sense of crisis, anxiously racked his brain to find a solution.


He looked at Howard in the back, and an idea came to mind.

It\'s time for this self-proclaimed playboy to demonstrate his true skills.


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