The City of Terror

Chapter 412 - Curse of Ten Thousand Spirits, Bad Luck

Chapter 412: Chapter 412 – Curse of Ten Thousand Spirits, Bad Luck

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Activating the special skill, Wei Xiao Bei could feel that something formless had appeared with him as its center. It spread everywhere and even went underground.

He could perceive everything in the range of the electromagnetic field.


Wei Xiao Bei wrinkled his eyebrows. If this was the only effect of the skill, then it only had little value.

There was no doubt that the current effect of [Electromeagnetic Field] was the same as [Response Search].

However, [Response Search]’s radius was around four hundred meters!

Whereas [Electromagnetic Field]’s was only five meters!

What use is this?

However, Wei Xiao Bei did not believe that this skill only had one use. His intuition was telling him that this skill had something special about it.

As he could not understand the skill at all, he did not stay on the rooftop any longer. He charged to the parapet and prepared to rush to the desert in the shortest amount of time. He wanted to see the Fire Dragon’s movements before returning to the real world and checking how Huang Kun was doing.

Although [Electromagnetic Field] appeared useless, Wei Xiao Bei had activated it as it did not use up too much energy.

He wanted to find its true use and felt that having it continuously activated might not be a bad idea.

Just when Wei Xiao Bei passed the parapet, a rusted lightning rod entered the range of the electromagnetic field. Wei Xiao Bei could feel that a bit of electric current had been lost.

What happened?

Wei Xiao Bei reacted instantly and grabbed the parapet and pulled himself up.

Once again an electric current had been lost.

Wei Xiao Bei’s gaze immediately moved towards the rusted lightning rod.

There is no mistake about it!

Wei Xiao Bei came to a realization.

So it was like that.

In truth, even a junior middle school student could come to the same answer.

What would happen when metal passes through an electromagnetic field?

Bingo! You answered correctly!

The electric current would appear inside the metal!

To be more accurate, it was called conductivity.

Then what was the true use of the electromagnetic field?

It meant that electric current would pass through metallic objects as long as it was within the range of the electromagnetic field!

However, using the corroded lightning rod to experiment with was not enough. Wei Xiao Bei pulled out a great spear from his storage bag.

This great spear was not the Divine White Mist Great Spear, but its partner great spear.

Compared to the Divine White Mist Great Spear, this great spear’s power was a bit weaker. If it did not have the effect of strengthening the Divine White Mist Great Spear it would only be seen as a very sharp spear.

Wei Xiao Bei waved the great spear inside the electromagnetic field, causing him to immediately feel the electric current that passed through the metal spear from his hand.

Naturally, the electric current generated was not able to harm him at all, but if it was a normal person, they might have let go from the shock.

The voltage of the electric current or the so-called electromotive force was around fifty volts while the strength was around twenty milliamperes.

Wei Xiao Bei did not stay on the rooftop anymore. He jumped down the building and ran to the desert, while still experimenting with the great spear.

Every single experiment had a different result due to many factors.

However, the electric current’s strength and voltage could not exceed what Wei Xiao Bei could output himself. However, the limit was unknown as he needed to return to the real world and measure it with an apparatus.

There was no doubt that the skill’s true strength lied in when his opponents held metal weapons, as they would be electrified.

Moreover, Wei Xiao Bei could already feel that the electromagnetic field that the skill produced was different from normal electromagnetic fields.

As for how it was different, Wei Xiao Bei still needed to figure that out.

Soon, he could feel the benefit of the electromagnetic field.

After stepping on Cui Hu University’s grounds, he could feel that something was different.

There were no zombies in sight. However, he saw a gigantic piece of paper on the plaza in front of the school building. There was a giant pencil the size of a giant tree floating on top of it.

There was no mistake that it was a giant pencil.

After Wei Xiao Bei moved closer, he could feel a bit of danger coming from it that made his back slightly numb.

When Wei Xiao Bei had just taken a glimpse of it, the giant pencil slowly began to move.

Fuck! What is happening?

Alarms in Wei Xiao Bei’s head began to sound more than before.

A low mumble echoed from the plaza with the melodious voice of a girl that was not yet twenty.

“Pencil spirit, pencil spirit. Please think of a question. If you can’t think of one just make one up. Pencil spirit please come and don’t let go...”

Following the girl’s voice, the pencil moved faster immediately, a fuzzy human figure appearing under the pencil.

Moreover, Wei Xiao Bei, who had been maintaining the electromagnetic field, felt a strange wave passing through it.

How could he still stay hesitant? He immediately dodged and moved quickly. In less than a second, he had already distanced himself from the plaza.

However, even if he had left the plaza, he still felt strangely nervous, feeling that there was a problem that he could not notice.

Right, the battle log.

Under normal circumstances, he would be able to find out what happened in the battle log after meeting these kinds of existences.



The host has encountered an incomplete pencil spirit ceremony and left without permission.


The host has been cursed by the pencil spirit.


The host has successfully defended from the curse.


The second effect of the Fortune Tea (All evils will be repelled, ten thousand magics will not invade for three days) has been weakened.


The pencil spirit is currently looking at the host’s every movement from above the host’s head.



In an instant, Wei Xiao Bei felt goosebumps and shouted instantly, “Release electricity!”


Following an electric explosion and the spread of blue electric arcs, Wei Xiao Bei’s body had been instantly covered in electricity that spread out.

He only heard the mournful voice of a girl above his head, causing him to immediately look up and see the illusory girl about to thrust a pencil at him. However, the electricity immediately broke out and submerged the girl in it.

As the plasma dissipated, the girl had disappeared.

Wei Xiao Bei, who was still frightened, immediately checked his battle log, but he was instantly enraged when he saw it.

Battle log:


The host has dispersed the pencil spirit after releasing electricity.


This triggered the dish spirit and chopstick spirit’s hostility.


The spirits have cursed the host.


The Fortune Tea has lost its effect.


The Curse of Ten Thousand Spirits has afflicted the host.


For ten days, the host will be in a state of constant bad luck.


Fuck! Such a thing can happen?

Wei Xiao Bei had read and knew about these so-called pencil spirit, dish spirit, chopstick spirit, etc.

In truth, these were only popular in college and with high school students as a game of summoning spirits. It originated from China’s oldest witchcraft, ‘planchette writing’. These were only a simpler variation of it.

Before all this, Wei Xiao Bei had constantly scoffed at these kinds of things and simply did not believe them.

If such a thing truly existed then there would not be any need to study or work hard anymore. People could just ask spirits where they could pick up money and become rich.

However, Wei Xiao Bei could now only believe in it and curse their existence.

How could such a thing appear in Cui Hu University?

Could it be another popular movie that had begun screening?

After Resident Evil, Wei Xiao Bei began to pay attention to the movies in Cui Hu City.

After recalling, Wei Xiao Bei knew that there was no such type of movie showing. On the contrary, many were historical films such as ‘Legend of Zhao Zi Long’ or ‘Secrets of the Han Dynasty’.

Naturally, he was currently displeased.

All of the spirits had cursed him and ended the effects of Fortune Tea prematurely!

It was as if there were thousands of people pointing fingers at him causing the Fortune Tea to be unable to block it.

Curse of Ten Thousand Spirits! Misfortune!

No matter how low his educational attainment was, he knew what this meant.


As he thought about this matter, he had carelessly kicked a brick on the road.

The unfortunate brick had instantly been crushed to pieces.

Nothing bad happened to his foot, but he realized that the bad luck had begun.

Everything would become harmful and ominous!

In other words, from now on, no matter what he did it will not go smoothly, and whatever he did would be met with bad luck!

Since that was the case, Wei Xiao Bei looked toward the plaza. Perhaps because the pencil spirit had been dissipated, the large pencil had stopped moving. Instead, a large dish had appeared at the intersection ahead.

Wei Xiao Bei was too late in avoiding these kinds of strange existences. After thinking about it, he moved toward the perimeter wall, as staying away from Cui Hu University was the best solution for now.

In the end, at the same time as Wei Xiao Bei passed over the wall, it had collapsed and a large hole had formed on the other side. Wei Xiao Bei could not even dodge as he fell in, causing his head to be covered in dirt and his body in mud.

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