Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 154 - Plans

Jason had just cleared out all of the dishes and was in the middle of wiping down the table when he heard Samantha call out for him.

Jason took out his note pad and pen as he looked at Samantha "Sorry I couldn\'t really hear what you said. Do you know what you want?"

Samantha had her elbows on the table as she rested her chin on her hands. She smiled as she cheekily said "Yeah I do know what I want. I want you to hang out with me tonight."

Jason chuckled before playfully hitting her on the top of her head with his pen "Sorry but that\'s not on the menu."

Samantha rubbed the top of her head with both of her hands as she acted as though she had been hit hard.

"You should be nice to me. Boys aren\'t supposed to hit girls. They should be nice to girls. Especially really pretty ones."

Jason clicked his pen "You\'re right Sammy. Let me know when one walks into the diner. I\'ll be sure to act super nice."

Samantha puffed up her cheeks before lightly punching Jason on the arm "There\'s one right here you blindy!"

Jason nodded his head "Sure sure Sammy. Whatever you say. But seriously though. Do you know what you want or do you still need a minute?"

Samantha sighed helplessly "I\'ll have a bacon double cheeseburger with no tomatoes but with extra pickles and a strawberry milkshake. Ooh! And a order of onion rings on the side."

Jason wrote down her order "Alright Sammy. So I have you down for a bacon double cheeseburger with no tomatoes, extra pickles, and a strawberry milkshake with a order of onion rings on the side. Anything else?"

Samantha shook her head "No that\'s it." Jason nodded his head "Your food should be out in five to ten minutes. Let me know if you need anything."

Jason walked away and dropped Samantha\'s order off to the kitchen. While she was waiting for her food Samantha pulled out her phone.

She was pretending to look at her social media page on her phone but she was back to stealing glances at Jason.

She watched as his medium length silky smooth black hair would occasionally whip around whenever he would hurriedly turn his head to a customer that was trying to get his attention.

\'His hair looks so good when it\'s down and parted in the middle. He\'s been keeping his sides short while growing out the top.

It looks even better now that his hair is halfway down his face. But his hair looks good when it\'s tied up into a bun like how he does whenever he has a game.

Oh no! What should I do?! I don\'t know what version of Jaya is my favorite. Do I like the sporty man bun version better? Or do I like the gentle looking pretty boy version when he has his hair down?

I can\'t decide! What should I say if he asks me which hairstyle I like best? What if I pick the one that he doesn\'t really like?\'

As Samantha was going through all the different and improbable scenarios she was thinking up in her mind she didn\'t even notice the time pass by.

Before she knew it she was startled back to reality when Jason placed a plate with her burger on it in front of her.

He then placed a plate of onion rings down and a tall glass cup filled with strawberry milkshake "Here\'s your burger, onion rings, and strawberry milkshake. 

Anything else I can get you?" Samantha took a bite out her burger as soon as Jason had put the plate down.

After she cleared out the food that was in her mouth she answered "Could you get me a water also?"

Jason left for a moment and came back with a glass of water "Alright Sammy. Enjoy your food."

Jason had put the water down in front of Samantha and was about to walk away when he was stopped.

"Jaya. I was serious you know. I want to hang out tonight! It\'s not like you have any plans for tonight anyways."

Jason turned back around "And what were your plans?" Samantha smiled after hearing Jason ask that.

"I was going to go to the Mission Inn tonight with some of my friends. It\'s getting close to Christmas so they have the place covered with all of these beautiful lights and decorations.

I thought that it would be boring if it was just a bunch of girls so I thought that it would be more fun if you and the other guys from the team could go."

Jason thought about Samantha\'s offer \'She\'s kinda right. I didn\'t have any plans for tonight other than to get online with Kyle.

Maybe it would be nice to see the lights. This would be the first time that I would get a chance to see the Mission Inn\'s Christmas lights after jumping back into the past.

And plus, the guys might enjoy it. I think it would be good for them to take a chance to relax and take their mind off of things. Even if it\'s just for one night.\'

After thinking it over for a bit Jason replied "I\'m down with going. I have to ask my parents first to be sure but I\'m pretty sure they\'ll be okay with it."

After giving his answer Jason turned around and walked away as he began to check up on all of his tables.

After making sure that Jason wouldn\'t be able to see her Samantha excitedly pumped her fist \'Booyah!

Three seconds left on the clock with the game on the line. Sammy goes hard to the left, squares up, and she shoots her shot!

It\'s good ladies and gentlemen! Sammy is the MVP hehehe.\'

After talking about it with his dad Jason got permission to go to the Mission Inn tonight with Samantha and her friends.

Jason called up all of the guys on the team and told them about the plans. After hearing that Samantha would be bringing along her friends all of the guys were excited to go.

As Jason continued to help around the diner he couldn\'t help but look forward to tonight \'It\'s going to be a night out with Sammy and the boys. Should be fun.\'

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