Song of Adolescence

Chapter 299 Twin Blades Charge the Line

Chapter 299 Twin Blades Charge the Line

"How many can you kill, three hundred? Five hundred? Or one thousand?" Chen Hu exclaimed angrily as he looked at the woman tearing her way through the Luo City Army with her spear. At this moment, Chen Hu’s hair was completely dishevelled and his armor was broken into pieces. He had tried to stop Sikong Qianluo several times, and each time, he almost died under her spear.

Sikong Qianluo flew up with a light leap and kicked away one of the soldiers who tried to attack her. She turned to look at Chen Hu, her eyes calm and composed. "You can tell, I don’t want to kill anybody."

Chen Hu sneered. "On the battlefield, no one will be kind just because the opponent was being benevolent."

"Then I’ll just have to kill you." Sikong Qianluo flashed past, and her spear swung straight down.

Chen Hu waved his long sabre to block and was almost crushed into the ground. He smiled bitterly and said, "No, it\'s too late for you."

Sikong Qianluo put away her spear. She felt a slight rumbling on the ground, and the frenzied Luo City soldiers also froze. They whipped their heads around and saw a group of men on horses galloping towards them.

The Luo City Army reinforcements.

Sikong Qianluo frowned, because the reinforcements were not just another thousand people, but a whole three thousand people.

The officer in the lead was a burly man with a blade scar that spanned his entire face, making him look incredibly vicious. He looked at the bedraggled Chen Hu and mocked, "Didn’t you say your soldiers were in big trouble? I thought you encountered a great army from Nanjue. But, it’s just a little lady. One little lady and your whole Galewind Battalion was reduced to such a state?"

Chen Hu ignored his mocking tone and wiped the blood from his face. "Yao Junde, you’d better not underestimate her."

"How strong can one person be?" Yao Junde rubbed his jaw. "But she’s a rather delicate little lady. Such a pity. Run her over."

Sikong Qianluo remained indifferent as she stood in place holding her spear firmly. Except facing her were a total of three thousand seven hundred well-equipped soldiers instead of the one thousand earlier. These were two completely different concepts. This time, Sikong Qianluo would undoubtedly die.

"Such a pity." Chen Hu sighed. He managed to escape death several times from under Sikong Qianluo’s spear and naturally, he knew it was because she’d deliberately gone easy on him. But, with how things were now, even if he wanted to let Sikong Qianluo go, he could no longer do it.

Yao Junde eyed the exquisite Silver Moon spear with interest and said curiously, "What does she intend to do? Does she want to fight the three thousand of us all by herself? Isn’t she going to run? I like my opponents to run in fear, then run her over from the back and watch her die with her eyes wide in horror. It\'s not good to be so arrogant."

"Battalion, form up." Yao Junde put away his lazy expression and yelled fiercely.

Three thousand soldiers smacked the weapons in their hands at the same time in acknowledgement.

"Charge…" Yao Junde said slowly.

"Wait!" Chen Hu interrupted loudly.

Yao Junde was annoyed. "What is it?"

"Listen." Chen Hu frowned slightly. "Do you hear something?"

The entire battlefield was silent. Everyone could feel the ground trembling.

"There’s an army approaching," Chen Hu concluded.

"Three thousand or four thousand?" Yao Junde whispered.

"Maybe more," Chen Hu said worriedly.

In the distance, the battalion of uninvited guests slowly revealed their true faces.

Chen Hu retreated a few steps. "It\'s… it\'s them."

The clamor of horseshoes sounded like a wave, as if the entire ground was about to be trampled. The sound of iron hooves shaking the ground was like thunderclaps in the sky. In all of Beili, there was only one army with such power.

The Ye Banner Battalion.

There were not four thousand, not even three thousand. There were only a mere thousand people. But unlike the Luo City Army, they were a heavy cavalry. They wore heavy armor and each carried twin blades. Every time they appeared was a nightmare for their enemies! Yao Junde had been in the army for many years, and naturally knew of the frightening Ye Banner Battalion. Even if the Luo City Army had three thousand people, he dared not confront them easily.

"What do we do?" Chen Hu whispered.

Yao Junde put away his arrogant expression, and said solemnly. "We must not take up arms against the Ye Banner Battalion. That fellow, Ye Xiaoying, is not someone I can afford to offend. The Ye Banner Battalion is not easy to deal with either. Let’s call a truce first. We’re all armies of Beili. How can we have any real reason to fight?"

The thousand people rushed through the flanks, and in the blink of an eye, they were right before them. Yao Junde and Chen Hu were initially desperate to think of how to negotiate a truce with the Ye Banner Battalion, and they were already sweating all over. But, they soon realised that something wasn’t right.

The Ye Banner Battalion didn’t seem to want to stop!

They were going to… charge the line?

"Form up, form up! Defense!" Yao Junde finally came to his senses. He drew his long sabre and shouted, "They’re going to charge!"

They wanted to call a truce, but the Ye Banner Battalion didn’t seem to have any intention of sitting down together for a negotiation. As soon as they arrived, they prepared to charge! To start killing! This was the style of the Ye Banner Battalion. The Luo City Army knew that was how they treated the Nanjue Army, but they never thought they would treat the Beili Army the same way.

But the Luo City Army was also an elite force after all, and they quickly prepared for defense. And the Ye Banner Battalion had already charged right up to their face.

"Break their lines!" The battalion commander in the lead yelled angrily, and a thousand soldiers drew the twin blades on their backs at the same time and roared towards the sky. Their imposing manner was truly astonishing, and a few of the more timid Luo City Army soldiers fainted immediately.

Ye Xiaoying was the commander of the Beili Central Army, and was the highest ranking man in the Beili Army. He had over one hundred thousand soldiers at his fingertips, but the actual Ye Banner Battalion was only about two thousand people. To become one of the two thousand, they were soldiers who had survived multiple battlefields. The killing instincts of one soldier was equivalent to that of a hundred people!

"Tear them apart," the battalion commander shouted sharply.

The thousand soldiers waved their twin blades in a wild dance and charged right in. The defensive formation that had appeared well fortified and invulnerable was immediately torn apart. Before their eyes, the dignified Luo City Army were no different from a herd of lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"Seize the commander!" The battalion commander turned his horse\'s head and rushed towards the front of the Luo City Army on his own.

"You dare?" Yao Junde pulled his horse’s reins and turned back. He glared at the battalion commander who was charging towards him swinging a heavy sabre in his hand.

The sabre rose.

A head rolled.

The Ye Banner Battalion commander grabbed the fallen head, then rode his horse up to Sikong Qianluo\'s side. He shouted, "Return formation!"

The Ye Banner Battalion which had charged through the Luo City Army and reduced them to chaos and ruins, immediately sheathed their blades and surrounded their battalion commander and Sikong Qianluo.

"You people are…?" Sikong Qianluo looked at the battalion commander.

"We’re your reinforcements." The battalion commander had an even and cold expression on his face. He flung the head he was holding into the air and a green-coloured figure flew out from amongst the double-bladed heavy cavalry. The figure reached out and caught the head.

She was the true commander general of the Ye Banner Battalion.

Ye Ruoyi caught the head of Yao Junde thrown by the battalion commander and mounted her horse again. She raised the head high, exhausted all of her qi as she faced the three thousand Luo City Army, and said only one word.


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