Immortality System: The Last Human's Transmigration

Chapter 8 *Screech*

Lunging myself toward the crack, I found myself barely fitting inside it, but it seemed like I had done enough to survive.

The keyword in this sentence being \'seemed\'.


I thought that I had stopped hearing the footsteps of the creature, and I was right.

I thought that I had escaped from the monstrosity that had been following me, and I would have been right to think so.

The footsteps had stopped... That should have been a good sign, right? The fact that it might have just stopped and simply given up on me... It made me feel a sense of relief.

Who would have known that not looking back would have been my biggest mistake so far?

Right the crunching sound had reached my ears, I felt a warm steamy sensation envelop my arm from the elbow down.

I could almost feel the moisture within the air that had enveloped it.

It was cool, yet at the same time hot and steamy.

It was wet and even felt bad to be around, yet at the same time, it felt comfortable.

Of course, that was only the case until the pain had kicked in.

Within a split second, before the pain had hit, I stepped back and out of range and simultaneously out of the cave.

It was only then that I was given the chance to look down because, for some strange reason, my arm felt light, almost too light.

A warm sensation pulsed out of it while I could almost feel my heart rate through the pulsing heat that came from it.

When I had finally taken a proper look at my arm, I could immediately see what was wrong. It made me almost question why I hadn\'t thought of the possibility earlier...

Of course, that was only until the pain had kicked in.

[Emergency Mission has been received!]

[Emergency Mission: Survive]

[Information: Seal the wound and stop the bleeding

-1 Minute and 30 Seconds until you lose consciousness

-4 Minutes until death]


-The Title \'Seeker of Death\'

-Increased affinity with the Death Element.

-20 EXP]

An enormous wave of pain hit me like a tsunami, traveling through every cell in my body...


The pain traveled through every bit of my very being.

If I were to rank the pain at the moment it had occurred, I would have told you that it was the worst pain any human could have felt. How naive would that have been?

A shrill, skin-tearing scream of pain left my mouth, a sound I had, until this moment, only believed could come out of something with vocal cords more developed my mere human ones.

The screech of pain was almost inhuman.

It was not something I had thought would ever come out of my mouth.

Blood gushed out of my open wound like a waterfall of crimson-red liquid.

Everything on my left arm from the elbow down to fingertips had disappeared into the maw of the creature that had attacked me, a creature that I could see now as being a giant lizard-like animal with the maw of a t-rex, the eyes of a snape, and the body of a hippo.

It was like nothing I had ever seen before. It was as if the thing had been created on the spot, by an artist that had never seen the skeleton or drawing of a dinosaur.

I was not sure if this thing was a dinosaur or not since dinosaurs weren\'t supposed to exist for another few million years or so, but of course, this was the least of my worries.

With my quick thinking, I had immediately taken off my shirt and tore off a piece of cloth before getting enough to wrap and tighten it around what was remaining of my arm to make sure that I kept the blood loss to a minimum.

Without skipping a beat, I slowly jumped down from one cliff to the other, taking precautions so as to not fall from any of the cliffs when moving down the hill-like cave made out of a conglomerate I could not identify, or simply could not bother identifying at that moment of time.

I was bleeding for god\'s sake!


The creature roared at the top of its lungs in rage.

How dare I, someone who had infiltrated its territory leave without a fight? Flee like a coward? Not face it head-on?

Those were all the questions that were probably going through its mind, yet even then, I simply did not care.

There was only one word going through my mind and it was to "Survive".

\'I\'ll probably die of an infection at this rate.\' I thought to myself as I gripped what remained of my left arm, something that immediately caused me to wince in pain.

Removing my hand from my left arm, I put it to my side and clenched my teeth before finally taking my last jump, landing safely onto the rock slab under me.

Of course, the \'saftey\' of the landing, just like everything else in my life so far seemed to be temporary, since the moment I had tried to take a step forward, I had lost my balance and fell onto my backside.

"Ugh," I grunted, the bone-shattering pain traveling through my body once again and giving me a feeling that would have caused my teeth to rattle in place.


The creature had once again roared, but this time it seemed to be a little further away while the noise that had been created from its roar echoed throughout the cave, reaching the outside and causing me to pale even more than I already was.


I found myself whispering "One more push" More often than ever.

My blood was rushing through me faster than ever which not only meant that I was getting adrenaline to calm my pains but also meant that the blood loss from my missing arm would only increase in rate and volume.

Yet, no matter how fast I might have been, I was simply not as fast as I would have liked to think I was.

The ground shook, evident when looking at the rocks that bounced up and down whenever I would hear the footsteps behind me, slowly but surely getting closer to me even though I was moving at my fastest speed.

Maybe I would have had better chances with two arms, but one?

The chances did not look like they were going to be in my favor this time.

Was this going to be the end?

Was I really going to fail everyone and everything that had ever believed in me?

Am I really going to die in vain, just like everyone else?

Was this... Was this really the end?


A loud, sky-shaking shriek reverberated throughout the lands and swept through the forest, making every creature within it shake involuntarily.


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